Sunday, January 24, 2010

Who do you trust your health to?

I am so frustrated that some doctors really don't know how to practice preventative medicine. Some are actually advising their clients in ways that I am sure actually leads to premature death. Wake up and read the research! Let me give you a bit of background before I vent some more.

My 87 year old Grandfather who is suffering from memory loss and suspected to have Alzheimer's disease has been taking a high quality fish oil since the beginning of November. My Grandmother, who knows him best and sees him every single day, told me that his memory has improved. While I wasn't expecting the omega 3 fatty acids to reverse the brain damage that has already occurred, I was hoping it would slow the progression. I was encouraged by the results in such a short period of time.

Recently my Grandfather was assessed by a doctor and I told my Grandmother to bring the Biomega to show them what he has been taking. I want them to have the full picture. The doctor told her that while the fish oil would have helped him years ago it was a waste of money and would not help him at this point. What the @#*@! (yes I am actually really pissed off - for those who know me well, know that I never swear).

Our bodies cannot produce omega 3 fatty acids and we need to get it from our food. The best sources are cold water fish (salmon, herring, mackerel, anchovies and sardines). Eating fish 5 times a week would help we also need to consider that many oily fish are contaminated with heavy metals and other fat-soluble pollutants which can accumulate to harmful levels for humans. I know he is not receiving the omega 3 fatty acids his body needs from his food so a supplement would make sense, would you not agree? Is it a waste of money to feed him at this point? (yes still venting)

Research has shown that a high intake of fish has been linked to a significant decrease in age-related memory loss as well as a lower risk of developing Alzheimer's disease. A study published in the International Journal of Neuroscience found that Alzheimer's patients given an omega 3 supplement experienced a significant improvement in their quality of life.

Personally I use a high quality supplement called Biomega which is what I suggested for my Grandfather. It is a high quality source formulated by scientists using pharmaceutical good manufacturing practices, highly effective purification techniques to remove contaminants like mercury and is all based on current research and optimal levels for cellular health.

I encouraged my Grandmother to continue giving the fish oil to my Grandfather and I assured her it wasn't a waste of money. If I was in Ontario right now I would be going to every appointment and speaking directly to the doctors. I know there are doctors out there educating their clients about healthy lifestyles, nutrition and preventative care. There needs to be more! In the meantime, I need to share and spread the word about taking charge of your own health!

I always see challenges or perceived obstacle in my life as an opportunity in disguise. As I shift my perspective I realize this incidence created more fuel for the fire that will continue to motivate me to educate and empower others to realize they need to be the change they want to see in their health & body. Everyone has the ability to heal and I will continue to teach you how to tap into your internal pharmacist.

While I know there are good doctors out there, please continue to educate yourself and to question your doctor when something doesn't make sense to you. For example, I was told by my last doctor to take TUMS because it was a good source of calcium. Why would I take an antacid to get calcium? Yes, she is no longer my doctor.

I will do my best to continue to provide resources and insight that will help you, but ultimately it is up to you to change your health. Only you can begin to care for your mind and body. You need to make the commitment to your own health.

What is one thing you can do this week to help you improve your health? It is helpful when you are accountable to someone, feel free to leave a comment with your commitment. We can all support each other.

Hugs, Sue

Wednesday, January 20, 2010

Love or Fear

In every moment we are faced with 2 choices, love or fear. Every decision we make no matter how big or small is made from a place of love or fear.

Remember that fear can show up as anxiety, guilt, confusion, frustration or any other negative emotion. When you make a choice from a place of fear your path is generally more challenging with harder lessons along the way. We will often feel confused and question "why" a lot when on this path.

When you make a choice from a place of love, your path is more gentle and kind. There are still lessons along the way, but they continue to move us forward instead paralyzing us or keeping us stuck.

The voice of fear is louder, convincing and even sneaky. The voice of fear is our EGO mind.

The voice of love is our inner guidance or intuition gently nudging us in the direction that will bring us to everything we desire and more. The voice of loving guidance is softer and more gentle.

In each moment we have two choices love or fear. Neither is right nor wrong. When you consciously choose, you step into your own power and at the same time step out of the role of being a victim of circumstance. We create our own reality. No one else does that for us. We have the power to choose in each moment. Do your best to choose the path of love more often and your life will transform. No judgment when you choose fear, just an awareness and a curiousity.

I wanted to share this with you. I find is captures love versus fear beautifully.

The Choice for Love
(Emmanuel's Book II)

What does the voice of fear whisper to you?

Fear speaks to you in logic and reason.
It assumes the language of love itself.

Fear tells you, "I want to make you safe."
Love says, "You are safe."

Fear says, "Give me symbols. Give me frozen images. Give me something I can rely on."

Loving truth says, "Only give me this moment."

Fear would walk you on a narrow path promising to take you where you want to go.

Love says, "Open your arms and fly with me."

Every moment in your life you are offered the opportunity to choose - love or fear, to tread the earth or soar the heavens.

Wednesday, January 6, 2010

What are we dying for?

November I had the opportunity to spend a week with my 87 year old Grandfather who has been diagnosed with Alzheimer's. Although it has progressed enough that he needs to be hospitalized and he doesn't remember many people he sees, he still remembered me each time I come in the door. I have always been very close to my Grandparents. I spent every summer with them at the cottage and I have many great memories.

As I sat across from my Grandfather I listen to him tell the same stories over and over again, and I listened as if it was the first time hearing it. I cherished each moment with him because I know eventually he will no longer recognize me. As I write these words the tears fill my eyes because I know that Alzheimer's Disease along with a list of other degenerative diseases are all preventable. If I had only known 10 years ago what I know today maybe things would be different for my Grandfather.

So many people are so focused on the treatment and the cure for diseases when 80% of all degenerative diseases are preventable. It is for this reason that I have decided to focus my energy on educating everyone about preventing disease from occurring in the first place.

This year there will be 17 million deaths from cardiovascular disease. Millions of people will suffer from cancer, stroke, respiratory disease and diabetes. About 1 in 3 children born in America today are expected to develop Type 2 Diabetes. This is the true epidemic. These numbers are much more alarming to me than the H1N1 stats.

Dr Myron Wentz is an immunologogist and microbiologist and expert in cellular nutrition. He founded USANA Health Sciences and has made it his life mission to help people live healthier lives through scientific research and advanced nutritional products. He is often quoted as saying "we are living too short and dying too long."

Why are so many people in the world choosing death over long term health? So many people admit they are afraid to die, yet when they continue to make poor lifestyle choices is like committing slow suicide. It will catch up with them eventually. It is sad to realize that many people will wait until they are diagnosed with a disease before they stop and pay attention to their health.

According to Dr. Chris Lydon at Yale University “Chronic inflammation lies at the root of virtually every disease know to modern man – from weight gain, obesity & heart disease to autoimmune disorders like lupus, MS and rheumatoid arthritis.”

We can prevent inflammation in our bodies by eating low glycemic/anti-inflammatory foods, reducing stress and taking high quality antioxidants and supplements. Our bodies are constantly under attack by environmental toxins, preservatives and contaminants in our foods/soil, and stress. I like to describe it as your cells rusting. Once a vehicle begins to rust it spreads to the rest of the body. You can't just paint over it, you need to remove the rust. Antioxidants and omega 3 fatty acids help remove the rust in our cells by reducing inflammation in our body.

I have experienced the benefits of taking antioxidants myself which I will share with you in a future post. For now I want to continue my story about my Grandfather. When I was visiting my Grandfather in November I asked him if he would be willing to take a fish oil supplement (Biomega - omega 3 fatty acid) that would help with his memory. He agreed and since November my Grandmother has given him the tablets each day. When I spoke to her this last weekend she told me his memory has improved in the last month. This was exciting to me! My Grandfather's memory has been slowing declining for the last 5 years and in one month of taking the Biomega, it has improved! I am curious to see how he does in the next couple of months. I will keep you posted here.

If you are interested in learning more about how you can nourish your cells and support your body through nutrition read my article "Are you Starving your Cells?"

We cannot just look at one aspect of our lives to improve our health. We need to look at the whole picture - health of your mind, body and soul!

Stay tuned to this blog and I will write more about how to make some manageable lifestyle changes. I will be here to educate and support you. You deserve to live a long healthy life and it would be my honor to help you on your path toward optimal health.